High Mass Accuracy Sensitive Scoring LC-MS/MS Database Search Provides High Confidence and Low FDR for Peptide, Protein, PTM and Crosslink Identification
What is mmSearch
mmSearch is a protein database search software designed to identify peptides, proteins, PTMs and crosslinks from tandem mass spectrometry (MS/MS) data.
mmSearch uses a mass accuracy sensitive probabilistic scoring model to match tandem mass spectra with theoretical peptide sequences derived from a comprehensive protein database.
Our innovative approach ensures higher sensitivity and specificity in peptide, protein, PTM and crosslink identification, outperforming traditional search algorithms, especially in datasets with high mass accuracy.
Key Advantages of mmSearch
Crosslink / Disulfide Bond Identification Made Easy
Proteins and peptides with disulfide bonds and chemical cross links can be directly identified without chemical reduction and/or other derivatization, like normal proteins and peptides. Our unique X Mapper algorithm scores disulfide bonds and chemical crosslinks by aggregating peptide matches.
PTM Search
MassMatrix provides high sensitivity and specificity for the identification and site localization of post-translational modifications on proteins and peptides.
Mass Accuracy Sensitive Scoring
Mass accuracy is an important component of mmSearch's scoring algorithm. As mass accuracy improves so does your confidence in peptide spectral matches. Scoring that takes sequence information into effect and uses mass accuracy consistently lowers FDR and allows for a larger search space.
Hierarchical MSn(n>=3) Spectral Database Searching
MS2 ↔ MSn>=3 search algorithm raises scores and confidence when searching peptides with significant neutral loss such as phosphopeptides.